Thursday 3 March 2011

The Flower Hill

Following on from my strimming of the hill we have decided to see if the south facing side of the main hill, christened little Pendle due to its likeness of a hill close to where we used to live, will make a wild flower meadow.

Pendle Hill, Lancashire
Today Elizabeth set to work preparing the side of the hill ready for seeding in a couple of weeks time, weather permitting.

We have purchased a variety of seeds from Gamm Vert and the latest tube from Aldi as well as some specially chosen favourites we have brought from the UK including primrose (primula vulgaris), and ragged robin (lychnis flos-cuculi).

The effect we are hoping for is as shown below photographed just outside Braye when we first bought our house in October 2010.

Watch this space !!!
And for those of you wondering what happened to all the herbe de la pampa we offered at the front gate.... every single plant was taken! The kind person who took the last plant even removed our notice and put it carefully back over our wall with some stones on top to stop it blowing away in the wind. The courtesy of the French knows no bounds!

1 comment:

Susan said...

The jachère fleurie from 2010 is the standard set aside wildflower mix here, mostly the not wild Cosmos. It makes a pretty show and will thrive in all sorts of places though. I'm not sure it's overly attractive to pollinators, but not totally spurned by them either. Your primroses should do rather well, but it might be a bit well drained for the ragged robin.