Some things in life are worth waiting for and I'm not referring to the resumption of our blog, here! The object in question has eluded us for two and a half years now but yesterday our patience paid off.
What, you may ask, is that object? None other than our 'carte d'accès en déchèterie'!
Regular readers of our blog may recall the time and trouble we've invested in to trying to obtain this carte d'accès. Three, maybe four, applications, twice as many philosophical shrugs from Monsieur le déchèterie and an unproductive trip to the Mairie in Richelieu, but finally it has arrived!
No longer will we have to announce "nous n'avons pas reçus notre permis" as the very friendly and long suffering Monsieur comes eagerly to greet us, armed with his scanner.
We are also now privy to an eloquently written list of rules and regulations for the use of said déchèterie...
So at last we're official and desperately trying to find something to tip....
What has happened we wondered to finally expedite this correspondence??
We can only assume it is our Christmas present from Monsieur le déchèterie as it was dated 24th December!
You're allowed a lot. In Pouancé we are only allowed one visit a fortnight!
If you work out what caused the sudden appearance of the card do let me know -- I'll try the technique on RAM to see if they will finally deign to issue my Carte Vitale (the lack of which inconveniences me about as much as your lack of dechetterie card ie hardly at all, as I have a number, just no card, and no explanation for why they can't seem to issue one).
So have you been having a 'bit of a sort out' in order to test it out?
Good to have you back 'on-line'.
We have no problems here at all. No card, and we can go at least twice a day to the decheterie, maybe more we have not tried. Rules here obviously differ! Happy New Year to you. Diane
All things come to those who wait...well like Susan we have been 'in the process'of obtaining our Carte Vitale for over 2 1/2 years. We have a number as well and our Christmas present on return home from Scotland was the actual application form! They have asked for probably the sixth copy of my (Jim's) passport - don't quite know what they do with these but ho-hum, at least its another little bit of progress.
How interesting. We don't need a card to use our decheterie as often as we wish... Nevertheless, I do congratulate you and Merry Christmas!
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