Friday, 1 May 2015

The Wanderers Return!

When we left Braye two and a half weeks ago all was neat and tidy after our concerted effort on the garden and potager.

Fast forward two and a half weeks and we now have a meadow!

At least most things have survived and we have had some pleasant surprises..
Our apricot "twig" is full of fruit...

The alpine bed is looking better than we'd dared to hope..

The iris are in splendid form, as is the Tamarisk..

And, thankfully, the Ragged Robin has reappeared.. (thank you, Mary)

Also putting in an appearance as "Meeter and Greeter" was this Musk Beetle, exploring the ins and outs of Colin's wellies!!

And for those who may wonder... the Hoopoe is hooping, the Cuckoo is cuckooing and there are owl pellets by the dozen, so all's well with the world!


Susan said...

Why Musk Beetle? It's a male Scopoli's Longhorn Cerambyx scopolii.

That second photo is amazing!

Good luck with the apricots.

GaynorB said...

Welcome home. We must meet up for a walk once you've finished your garden chores.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

You spotted the good eating swelling did you Gaynor... Col

Tim said...

I can't see your knees...
well, almost can't....
you should have mowed it before you left!!

But, more to the point....
what about the Owls...
apart from pellets and cake moulds!

Craig said...

My goodness that's a lot of growth. You've got your work cut out for you. Just as well you've had a holiday! The apricot tree is brilliant.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks, Susan for the correction. That's what appens when you try to identify something after a twelve hour drive and precious little sleep! (And if that sounds like an excuse - that's because it is!

Tim, he/she the owl is still coming each evening and sitting in the willow next to the house. Sadly there are now too many leaves on the poplars to get a clear view of the nest but the young haven't fledged yet.

Craig, let's hope the apricots grow as quickly as the grass has done! We'll need another holiday when we've got everything back to what it was before we left!