Monday, 4 May 2015

Iris and Oddities...

Despite the weather, Colin has managed to get round the garden on the mower and take the worst off the "meadow".

This has revealed some real treasures, as well as some oddities..

This bed of iris is at its best right now..

The flag iris have multiplied yet again and are just beginning to flower..

One of my favourites is this lone, paler blue one..

The structure of these flowers is magnificent. Sadly I don't know the varieties but we appreciate them just the same!

Now for the oddities: Colin spotted these among a patch of daisies...

Certainly not the shape we're used to! Any thoughts on why this happens, please?


Tim said...

Your oddity Daisy;
It is called fasciation...
after the bundles of sticks tha Romans used to use....
there are three known causes to my knowledge...
the first is the use of certain types of weedkillers...
the second is insect damage...
and the third is just a natural occurance...
Dandelions are a bugger for it!!

Susan will probably correct me...

Craig said...

Irises are amongst my favourites and we planted quite a few in our French garden. I've planted about 12 here too and it looks like I'll get the first blooms this year which I'm really looking forward to. I particularly like the two tone red one - very striking.