Sunday, 15 March 2015

Explosive Cake??

This is the last piece of the cake which caused my suitcase to be taken away and subjected to an explosives check at the airport yesterday, as we made our way home from a brief trip to the UK...

Warning: This cake does NOT contain GLUTEN or EXPLOSIVES, but it has been produced by someone who certainly WILL explode if my cake is taken off me when there is nothing at the airport, or on the aircraft, which I can eat!!


Jean said...

I hope they declared it safe and allowed you to have it back!
Some "good for you" cakes can have an explosive effect......but that's a different matter altogether!
Glad you got back home in one can never be too careful with all this exploding patisserie around these days!

Tim said...

It was probably its proximity to the alarm clock that worried them...

"you can never be too careful with all this exploding patisserie around these days!"....
shurly Jean, ish only the polly - tickians that have to worry 'bout that.

Could you see the gold braid around the occifurrs 'at?

GaynorB said...

No doubt you were asked whether you had packed it yourself!

Glad you got back safely.

Craig said...

Liquids first, now cakes. What's next? I had a similar experience when flying back to France a few years ago with a handy egg slicer tool. They were convinced that I had a pair of handcuffs in my luggage!