Tuesday, 10 March 2015

A Surprise Gift..

Our neighbour, Nathalie, visited us yesterday with a lovely surprise...

These eggs have come from our hens, who are now enjoying life with Nathalie's brother and his family.

They kindly took our girls "under their wing" when we had to return to the UK for a long spell over Christmas. We felt it wasn't fair to leave the care of the hens to our neighbours for all that time, despite their willingness to help.

We have (I have) missed having the hens around but before we get any more Colin has some good ideas for adaptations to the hen house to make it more 'user friendly'.

For now, though, we've got ten beautiful fresh eggs to enjoy and the news that the girls are thriving, though the White Sussex doesn't like men!!


Tim said...

What's the one that lays the chocolate Easter Eggs?

And Blanche excelled herself yesterday....
93gms against her fairly steady 61 to 63gms....
got to be a double-yolker!!
Alice didn't lay yesterday...
probably decided that she couldn't compete!!

Jean said...

What a nice gesture and a lovely gift.