Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Learning French to Music

Referring back to last night's post, I am relieved to say that I don't think I disgraced myself too much at the "gymnastique"!

It began rather like the personal development courses we all went on when I was back working at the University. We walked round the room to music, saying our name to everyone we passed and then did the reverse; this time saying the name of the person we were passing.... As most of the ladies already knew each other, I was at a distinct disadvantage!

The rest of the evening went well and despite all the 'exercise' based vocabulary being banded about I enjoyed the experience of meeting ladies who live in the village but who, surprisingly, I've never met or even seen before in three years.

As for photos, well obviously I couldn't take any in the class but there really is only one appropriate image to sum up the result of yesterday...

OH! my aching back, legs, arms, neck......


Jean said...

Sounds like a nice evening and a good experience - if a little like hard work !!

Tim said...

Your ankle must be bettere - thank goodness! P.