Tuesday 19 June 2012

Wildlife problems - The battle continues...

Regular readers will know of our continuing battle with the taupes (moles)! Recently they have started making a right mess, digging under Elizabeth's prize roses and flower beds and under my pumpkins...

So it was out with the traps and with great success... These two have dug their last...

Our other problem is woody woodpecker who was spotted again this morning sampling the eating cherries... (Now there's something we didn't realise) With our hazelnut tree fully loaded with nuts, many of which are reaching a size where last year woody woodpecker was helping himself, it was time to create the scarecrow...

What we needed was something tall and scary...

We think this will do the trick...


Tim said...

Superb... now all you've got to do is fit a few servos and make hime move... or a blower underneath the 'skirt' operated by a WPD*
Or get Simon to come over occasionally, don the outfit, and then make sudden movements and loud noises whenever a creature approaches.
Or a loudspeaker inside the cape and you can shout "Mooordooorrr" when the black, white and red monster appears.
Above all....Have FUN!

[*woodpecker proximity detector]

Diane said...

You are lucky you have any cherries!!! As for moles the traps used to go off in our garden but we never caught a thing! I have not seen them this year, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that they have gone elsewhere :) Diane

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks Tim, we have fun everyday... Doubt I will get the real Simon to come over but if he does not perform... Well who knows who we could try next... We have a party of bloggers to go at!!!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Diane: We don't have many cherries this year but enough to keep us for a while during the winter. As for the taupes we get sprung traps all the time same as you but keep trying!!