Monday, 9 May 2011

Dahlias and earwigs!!

Another of the plants I used to grow in the UK was dahlias. So in April we cut a new bed into the grassed area adjacent to the drive.

Dahlias where duly planted and like everything else here grew like mad but as they came up something was eating them at a great rate.....

My walking gardening encyclopaedia Elizabeth educated me to the cause after I had applied slug pellets to no effect..... Earwigs!

Internet search produced three trapping solutions...
  1. A piece of hosepipe
  2. A rolled up damp newspaper
  3. A shallow tin with oil in the bottom

All three were put into action....

Only the rolled up damp newspaper has produced results... Two earwigs to date.

A captured earwig that had eaten its last dahlias.
Like with the moles the earwig trapping will continue....


Jean said...

Gardening is an "us and them" scenario. Us against the pests. Good luck with your earwig battles !!

Craig said...

I'm very fond of dahlias. They give such a spectacular show. Good luck with the earwigs.