Thursday, 20 November 2014

Seasonal Thoughts..

Whilst I hate to see the passing of the light nights and warm days of summer, the changing season has its compensations...

Driving back down through England and then through France on Sunday we had plenty of time to admire the changing colours of the trees...

Then, back on the rural roads leading to Braye, the quality of light was beautiful and the sky so wide and full of drama.

Travelling the last half kilometre through the woods, with Braye ahead in the distance, we were back in the place we love...

There was a time when the end of summer meant a return to the busiest period at work, with all its stresses and strains....

Now it affords us the time and chance to wander through these wonderful woods
Perhaps the end of summer isn't so bad after all!


GaynorB said...

We were thinking exactly the same!

Jean said...

Same here!
Driving back on Tuesday after a very fraught two weeks in the UK, we really appreciated the easy driving, the lovely colours and the big skies.
This will be the first winter that neither of us has to worry about getting to work in bad weather and for the first time that I can remember we are enjoying autumn without the usual dread of long dark winter nights. We even enjoyed clearing up what seemed like tons of leaves yesterday - because it was a our previous life we could never do that on a midweek afternoon !!