Friday, 28 November 2014

Braslou: Circuit de Randonnée

We went out walking this afternoon, with friends, Paul and Mary. We have been trying to plan this for weeks now and luckily we'd picked a good day for walking. The sun came through later in the afternoon but for the most part it was overcast, reasonably warm for the time of year and with a light breeze blowing.

We chose the blue route on the Circuits de Randonnée setting out from Braslou.

The first photo looks back to the village..

And again from a little further up the track (NB.slight incline)

A familiar sight in France... the water tower...

And looking ahead up the track (NB. slight incline)

The beauty of this walk is that it combined open countryside with woodland, giving us the benefit of both..

En route we passed L'eau-Morte, which we noted had surprisingly little water in it...It was only in the last twelve months that it was refilled after being drained for a few years.

There were plenty of small deer tracks at the waters edge...

Then more woodland, before coming back into Braslou and a welcome cuppa at Paul and Mary's.

Looking forward to the next one, which we've decided will be the yellow route from Trogues, with a stretch along the banks of the Vienne.....


GaynorB said...

That looks to be an interesting walk. Perhaps we can do it with you sometime?

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Next time you are over Gaynor, we look forward to it.