Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Out with the old...

When we first bought the house in 2010 we inherited a small Christmas tree, basically in full view of the kitchen window.

Over the years we have made very good use of it as a bird feeder. BUT it had just grown toooo large for its position. It had also developed a lean due to the high winds last winter.

So today has been Tree change day... We did check for birds nests first.

A selfy with the extracted root bowl!

In with the new. This little tree was an import from Loch Fyne, Argyll and Bute, Scotland, which interestingly means the loch of the vine or wine... Very appropriate don't you think...

If it grows as fast as the previous one we will not have long to wait before we can hang the feeders on it again as the tree rings of the old tree show...

What the birds think we will never know...


Tim said...

It's the ones that know the feeder that I feel sorry for....
swooping in for a tasty snack....
grabbing thin air....
and plummeting to the ground!

I'm currently shredding spruce....
if you want to drop the top over....
you can leave with an equivalent weight of mulch!!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks Tim, but we disposed of it in a different manner... Elizabeth had a bonfire going so it went on there.

Tim said...

Bonfires are taboo after the end of March!!
if you lived in St. Senoch [of The Humps] you'd have been put against the wall and shot!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Oh dear.... st senoch... we went to look at a property there... the agent couldnot find it... when he did it was a wreck...

Our new mairie went past yesterday and said hi to Elizabeth and the bonfire....?...?

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Re Bonfires in france:
The law changed in November last year. To read full details see the official site de l'administration francaise, Service-Public.fr at: http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F31858.xhtml