Monday, 10 March 2014

Plants with a Purpose?

Whilst out walking yesterday we photographed some several clumps of violets, both white and several shades of the more commonly found "violet" ones...

It was only when we got home and looked closely at the last two photos (above) that we noticed the "insectivorous" looking plant leaves at the base of the violets.

Are they indeed a type of insectivorous plant or simply the half-opened basal leaves of some other flower?

If anyone has any thoughts we would be happy if you would share them with us, please, Susan?!


Susan said...

The hairy leaves belong to Mouse-ear Hawkweed Pilosella officinarum. I think they act to collect dew.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks, Susan. I wish I'd noticed them before we got home and saw the photos, then I'd might have had a chance of putting a name to them. But there again....