Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Welcome Home!

You'd be forgiven for thinking we'd been away for twelve months if you'd seen the state of our lawn yesterday when we arrived back from twelve days in the UK.

It took a couple of hours yesterday and all this morning to get it something like back into shape. The flower borders were no less of a chore and the potager.... well, let's just say we've obviously been missed!

However, there were some consolations. The tomatoes are now ripening at an alarming rate...

One of the pear trees is struggling under the weight of its fruit and it will be a few weeks before they are ready to be picked..

And looking out to the field at the side of the house, we can't help but be cheered...

Must make time to "stand and stare"... but oh, those weeds....


GaynorB said...

Glad you got back safely.

Where else would you prefer to be doing your weeding? ;0)x

Craig said...

That's exactly why I prefer to do any traveling in winter. It's scary how much everything grows in just a week! On the plus side, the tomatoes and pears look great!

Tim said...

Pauline et moi ain't 'ad a Summer Holiday in years...
Spring, Winter and Autumn were our usual times for travel...
even after we'd bought La Forge...
and it is no use telling another allotmenteer to pick the courgettes while you are away....
so's you don't get marrows...
they don't neeeeed any...
they've got all theirs to deal with...
and those that haven't...
don't like them anyway!!!
And no one...
not no one...
will stop to weed, anyway.
The best you can hope for is someone water if there's no rain!!

Here we have veg on the threshold,
no paramedics belting around sirens wailing,
and can sit and watch the plants grow....
and weeding...
is a doddle...
having a toddle round the plots...
with a glass of wine...
or a mug of tea...
in one hand...
and a Swoe in the other!!

Jean said...

Tim, I like your style !!

We luckily have my dad to water and feed the garden while we're away, but it's a bit hit and miss. He hits some and misses others !!

Those tomatoes look amazing. We only have a couple of tiny ones per day even from the greenhouse.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks for your support. We agree there is no better place to do the weeding. Things are looking better today and the weeds are cemented in so the best effort is to cut them off with the hoe... with a glass of wine in hand!!!