Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Preparing for winter!

The temperature this afternoon was...

and what were we doing?

Breaking up sticks for lighting our fire during the winter. The sticks are mainly dead branches which get blown down from our large poplar trees when it is windy. We collect them up and then when it is very dry we break them into usable lengths and store them in the shed..

This year we also had some of our own logs from the trees we felled. These have matured outside for the last couple of years and now, as they are dry as a bone, they have been moved to our woodpile and sheeted up.

So we have a bonus of about three steres before we get our usual delivery from M. Bourreau...

If you need any kindle we have a hole full and you are free to come and help yourself... 

But if you think we are breaking it up for you... 


Anonymous said...

So very French! You'll be wearing scarves on the 1st of September next!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Of course!!