Sunday, 22 November 2015

Freezer Blitz...

We are trying (with limited success) to reacquaint ourselves with the bottom of the chest freezer, last seen in 2011 when it was purchased.

This has led to some interesting and mysterious meals but also to a sense of shock at the amount of fruit two people can pick and freeze...

Having already given away many, many pounds of strawberries for jam and ice-cream making and thrusting other soft fruits upon any neighbours too polite to refuse, we still have kilo after kilo (note the mixed units of weight - or is it volume?) of blackcurrants, redcurrants, whitecurrants, blackberries, plums, apples, pears, cherries - sour and sweet, raspberries and strawberries.

So yet more jam and jelly making was called for..

That still leaves us with a good stash to get through as we're way off the bottom yet...

Surprisingly we are still able to pick enough for our meals each day, though I suspect after last night's frost (-3.6) these picked yesterday may well be the last.

We will get to the bottom of that chest freezer one way or another, and then we'll start on the upright!!


Craig said...

I'm amazed at how much fruit you harvest! I wish that I was closer to help you out. You should contact Morissons and become a supplier.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Not a bad idea, Craig!!