Saturday, 23 August 2014

Digital Zoom?

Well I never... The other day whilst out on a walk, I (now we) rediscovered digital zoom... On my previous small Canon cameras it has been worse than useless and on my relatively new Canon SX500 IS  (now replaced with the SX510 IS) I have always had it turned off for this reason...

Somehow it switched itself on and aren't 'we' glad... Here are a couple of test shots.
This is cropped from the above photo
This is taken with full digital zoom from the same position as the first photo

The second example is what we will probably use it most for...

I must say 'we' are impressed, Elizabeth gets the same results on her Canon Ixus... Not bad at all for cameras costing less than £150...

Our Digital Zoom will always be turned on and used in the future...


GaynorB said...

WOW! Until now I've always had a Canon and been very happy with them.

Jean said...

Impressive. And useful.