Friday, 8 August 2014

A wet afternoon

After successfully cutting our grass this morning... It started to pour down after lunch... What can a man do when it is raining cats and dogs...

 Here's a clue..

Now the last thing I ever plaited was probably my daughters hair... So after a quick YouTube, I prepared several onions to start the plait... Could I get it going... NO! So I plaited three bits of string; no problems.

It is, I think, all down to practice.Plaiting with things dangling is a different technique... BUT after several attempts...
Great success...

There are still plenty to do as we have had a bumper crop this year, something in the order of 12/14 kgs. I think as the ones left are smaller so I will give Elizabeth a chance to show her skills...


GaynorB said...

Now all you need is a beret, a bike, to get loaded up and sell your wares!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Another job for Elizabeth Gaynor!

Sarah said...

I really don't think you ever plaited my hair!!!!!!!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

I must admit, I did wonder!! - Elizabeth. x

Pollygarter said...

They look beautiful! I was doing much the same yesterday, though I just plait garlic - onions go on a rope. There are some cracking big onions this year. The Breton onion sellers used to sell their own local type of onion, which I'm sure I've seen in the Baumaux catalogue. I bet they like rain...