Monday, 27 January 2014

Confluence 2

On our way back from Grignon and the old cars yesterday we came through Port-de-Piles and stopped to have a look at, the very flooded, confluence of the Vienne and Creuse rivers.

Interestingly we stopped a few years ago, as we'd noticed the sign on the D910 and walked down the path there. Wrong place! Access is down a dirt road about a kilometre down the D5. (as shown on the google map above)

It was difficult to photograph from the path and too dangerous to get down to the riverside due to the level of the water.

The horrendous rainfall this January must be similar to last year, as on the 23rd we blogged about the flooded Vienne at Chinon.

There was certainly a lot of water and according to the forecast, there's more to come tomorrow. We will be going to Chinon on Wednesday so we will compare the river level to  photos from last year..

Confluence 1 of the rivers Vienne and Loire is  Here

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