Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Mole (Taupe) Hunter...

We observed some interesting Buzzard activity this afternoon!! It was hunting my least favourite animal, the mole.

We had noticed it in the field behind us yesterday and just assumed it had made a kill... No, it was there again this afternoon and so was Colin with his camera... You could clearly see it listening in amongst the mole hills... 
 a short flight...
 listening again and then running... yes running...
  listening and running
  listening again

Unfortunately, for both of us, it started to hailstone and we both made for shelter...

On this occasion it had been as successful at catching moles as I have been... It will be back and so will I if I spot it...


Tim said...

Lovely observations....
we've had two spending a lot of time on the ground in the meadow.
But we think that they are after frogs here...
Pauline took a picture that seems to show a pair of frog's legs sticking out of the buzzard's beak!

Susan said...

Very interesting observations.