Monday 29 April 2013

Potager Update April 2013

Whilst I've been away Colin has been working hard on the potager...
Luckily for me (!?) he's left some of the work for me to help out with this week....

Here's how the potager's looking to date...
The ridges in the foreground are where the 80+ potatoes are planted. In the bottom right corner is our one and only artichoke but, as neither of us is very keen on them, we are not looking to increase our stock.

Whilst there is nothing much to show at the moment, these are rows of beetroot, peas, french beans, onions, shallots and carrots. The netting houses some lettuce and you can just see the courgettes, which have suffered a little in last night's frost..

Below are the two areas of strawberry plants, with well over 200 surviving the winter, at the last count.

And all but one have multiple flowers on...

The other soft fruits are doing really well, too. We've raspberries, gooseberries, currants of all shades, and rhubarb as well as the apple, pear, apricot, peach, fig and cherry trees -

 The red and white currants are laden with fruit..

The rhubarb is giving us some lovely tender pickings too...

And then there's the raised bed....

We've still some planting to do but at least we've finally got off to a start. It's due to rain tomorrow...

Ah well! At least that's the watering taken care of!


Craig said...

What a beautifully neat potager - the amount of hard work you've both put into it clearly shows!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! Mine is not even half as neat and pretty!

GaynorB said...

Ours is non existent! When we are able to be in France more we will have a potager, so will be looking for consultants!!

We are considering trying to buy one of the plots next to us, otherwise it will just be some raised beds at the bottom of th garden.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thank you for your comments. It is at its best now! once the weeds take hold it will be messy! It is raining at the moment and I can see the weeds growing!!