Thursday 27 February 2014

A Problem with Early Bloomers!

The mild weather has brought out another couple of early bloomers in our garden borders...

The first of these being the Fritillary

We saw many wild Fritillaries in early April last year and would like to be able to visit the site again this year. Our problem now is going to be timing when they are in bloom in the wild...

Another early bloom is the Cowslip

This one was taken on a walk through our local wood yesterday...

These are beginning to show themselves in the wild as well...

So you can see our problem...


Susan said...

Do you want me to find out from one of the local botanists what's happening in Véron?

There's an outing scheduled to see the fritillaries on Sunday 13 April (meet at 14.30 at Place de l'église in Savigny en Véron.) I'll let you know if there is a flurry of frantic emails because the date is being changed due to early emergence.

I'll also let you know once I've been to the other sites I know what the situation there is.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Susan it would be great if you could find out the situation from your contact in Véron. Thanks for offering to help. It's much appreciated!

Tim said...

I'm keeping a wary eye on the ditch near us for the fritz...
and wild "coucou"s are out at Paulmy by the road near the cemetary.