Saturday, 25 August 2012

Eaten to the core

Our pear trees have done better than we expected this year with each tree having a reasonable crop.

The only problem now is how many will be left when it is time to harvest them!!

 Eaten to the core that  one!

This one is well on its way...

The culprit was captured seconds later emerging from the pear...

Not sure of technical name but it's one large hornet...  Would not like to be stung with that one!

We will have to take extra care when we do pick them...


Susan said...

My guess is that birds started it and the hornet is taking advantage. They do love pears though, and will fight one another to the death to get the last little bit. I've brought half of my pears in - they were not very big and ready to pick Beurre Hardy's or Doyenne de Comice. I assume you know that pears should not be left to ripen on the tree? (they go woolly). I've picked the Asian pears too (which do need to ripen on the tree) and my first apples (an American variety that I can't remember the name of - begins with B).

Colin and Elizabeth said...

We'll be out there apickin' tomorrow!