Monday, 22 February 2016

Siskin Takeover

Following on from the previous two blogs, the poor Goldfinches have really had their noses pushed out.

You'll just have to wait your turn Goldfinches...

What I don't understand is where have they all come from and why have they come in numbers this year when we only usually see the odd one...


Le Pré de la Forge said...

We usually get a goodly number....but, normally, they stay up in the alder canopy.
This year, they are also here in good numbers....and have taken to the feeders like ducks to water!!
They love the Peanuts and the Fat Pellets....
Haven't used the seed feeders....'cept to perch on....
and it is the sparrows that have suffered most, the tits and finches a bit less....
even the Greenfinches....such as are....have been pushed out!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Thanks Tim. Nature is strange!