Art and all that stuff

Sunday 15 July 2012

Bastille Day 2012

Yesterday, 14th July, was Bastille day. Last year we missed it due to a trip to England but not so this year...

Probably due to the Cape and Rapier Festival in Richelieu next weekend nothing much was happening locally, but we had been invited over to Le Grand Pressigny by friends, Jean and Nick to join in the celebrations there.

The evening started with Moules et Frittes in the square and, although it was unseasonally cool, the rain held off ...

Whilst we waited for the light to fade, the band tuned up on stage...

Once it was dark the Sapeurs-Pompiers, as tradition dictates, led the procession down to the river for the Feu d'Artifice...

The marching band played as the crowd made its way back to the Mairie for a presentation to be made to one of the sapeurs.

We were impressed by the energy of these little ones, waving their lanterns and clapping to the music late into the night.

Had we not had a long drive home ahead of us, we may well have stayed to join in the dancing... But then again.... We know when we're done for!


  1. Lovely to see you and sorry we managed to lose you before we could say goodbye. A very pleasant evening and lucky with the weather too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One day we will get to be there for le quatorze juillet!

    Looks like a really good celebration and a chance to meet up with friends.


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