Art and all that stuff

Saturday 14 July 2012

Voitures anciennes, Scorbé Clairvaux

Following an email from Susan & Simon we went along to the Vide Grenier, Brocante and exhibition of old vehicles at Scorbé Clairvaux a small town about 25km from Braye. We were not disappointed with the old cars on display...

As always with these events it was well attended and when we arrived at 2:45 there was hardly a space on the field set aside for parking.

Here are a few of our favourites...

I cannot remember the last time I saw a frog eyed sprite

Jane, Elizabeth's daughter could not help but pose by this one...

and finally, as we walked on to the field when we first arrived we were greeted with....

Yes three Celestines... Eat your heart out Simon...

The Vide Grenier, Brocante well it was the same as usual... same stuff, same traders...


  1. Love the cars, all of them. We missed the local old car do here that they have every year, we were in the UK!! Diane

  2. Well, we were definitely there too early. Never mind, we managed to fill our afternoon very successfully. Good to see you earlier :-)


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