Art and all that stuff

Monday 16 July 2012

Chateau du Rivau Jousting Tournament

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday and it coincided with the Knights jousting tournament at the Chateau du Rivau, so this was the perfect place to go and celebrate!

The following is a photo diary of our time there...

And whilst at times the storm clouds gathered... the rain held off and we had a great afternoon

and a long walk back to the car, as all the roads leading to Rivau were choked with cars!

Though I must say I very much enjoyed the walk through such beautiful scenery!


  1. What a brilliant way to spend a birthday! Wonderful stuff and great photos, too!

  2. What a fun day, I would love to see that for myself. Your photos are excellent. Wish your daughter a belated Happy Birthday please. Have a great week together. Diane

    1. Diane, thank you so much! We have always tried to celebrate our birthday's together but now that I'm in France it's not so easy. This year was brilliant!

  3. We must do this one year - is it well done?


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