Art and all that stuff

Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentines Day

As Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world it seems fitting that we give it a mention on our blog.

Last year we had a very special Valentine celebration; this year's in more low key but lovely nevertheless.

And just to prove that there is no need to get caught up in all the excessive commercialism the day spawns, here's a very simple Valentine photo, taken in the local wood whilst out walking the other day...

So here's wishing a Happy Valentine's Day to One and All!! 


  1. Nice picture...
    Pauline took me out for lunch!
    Lovely... especially as the day has been horrid.

  2. Lucky Tim!

    Hope you had a lovely day. I love your natural take on what is generally seen to be over-commercialised.

    1. Yes, Gaynor.. Lucky Tim!

      Hope your day was good, too. X

  3. Love your Valentine -- you have a beautiful eye!

    1. Thank you. I just love looking for the unexpected!


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