Art and all that stuff

Friday 15 February 2013

A Blue Tit story...

"It's very nice of the lady to put out sunflower kernels for us on the windowsill. It's good watching you lot fight over the feeder"
"Not sure what that is over there"
"I'll ignore it see if it goes away"
"Ohhh it's a camera"
"There is only one thing to do then"
"This is not my best side"
 "There how does that look!"
 "That's your lot I am going to have a kernel now"
"Flying without wings!!!"
"I'm off now, bye"

1 comment:

  1. Very nice... and what a poser in the seventh shot!!

    It is the Saffron Fayre at Preuilly-sur-Claise today [Saturday - 16th] and the famous Manthelan Carnaval on Snuddy 17th...


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