Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Fierce Creatures...2

Following on from last Thursdays Fierce Creatures blog about the Goldfinches it was interesting to note that they do not have a monopoly on the feeder. During my observations both the Greenfinch and the Blue Tits also like to feed there...

Not surprisingly the Greenfinches just knock the Goldfinches off the perch. However they are just as bad as the Goldfinches when it comes to fighting.

What did surprise me a little was how feisty the little Blue Tits are.

In there at any opportunity and standing their ground as much as possible.

Sometimes even when faced with the utmost threatening... "I told you keep off my food"

They always come back for more, though...


  1. It's not easy to get anything done with so much going on outside! We have the same mob, plus great tits and siskins. How often do you need to refill???

  2. Replies
    1. We've found that the Mr. Creosotes [Pollygarter's name for our goldfinches] will strip the mixed grain feeder clean... just to get to the sunflower seeds!! However, the ground feeders get to eat that.
      Currently we are filling every two days or so for the grain feeder & the big feeder out in the field... weekly[ish] for the peanuts and fatballs!

  3. Excellent photos guys! Do you get unwelcome guests too such as huge magpies or blackbirds?

  4. They are about but don't tend to come to the feeders.


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