Art and all that stuff

Friday 8 February 2013

The Making of "Fierce Creatures"..

As those of you who watch nature programmes on the television will know, the actual programme is often followed up by a "how they got the shots" edition.

Well, following on from last night's blog "Fierce Creatures", this is how Colin managed to capture the birds in action...

To clarify.... Colin is setting up his camera on the tripod outside the window, close to the tree which has the bird feeder in it. The acrobatics shown above are to save putting on his shoes and going outside to do the job!

Having set up and aligned the camera, he was able to retreat to the comfort of an armchair and use the remote control device he received for Christmas and take photos to his heart's content! The hungry birds soon became accustomed to the tripod and camera and were blissfully unaware that they were being photographed at close range.

Several people asked about the 'new' camera: Colin was in fact using his old camera with the new toy attached!

Good, eh? And it just goes to show, not only the goldfinches do acrobatics round here!


  1. At first I thought, "don't jump, Colin !!!"
    ...then I read the post !!

    1. Jean, when I first saw him I was tempted to give him a push... ONLY JOKING Colin!!!

  2. Well done, Colin. Now then -- I'm looking forward to seeing the results of his ingenuity!


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