Art and all that stuff

Saturday 9 February 2013

Fifty Shades.....

Having just sold a baby's smocked dress on Etsy, I was encouraged to get some more fabric from Mondial Tissus.

We spent quite some time in the shop, with Colin trying to help me choose the right shade of thread and binding to go with the fabric. Why should this take so long? Because I'll swear there are more than fifty shades of grey!!

I eventually made up my mind and bought a selection just in case...

We left the shop thinking that was the last of 'grey' for a while, only to see the sky conspiring against us!

Fortunately we were heading in the right direction out of the storm....

And by the time we neared Braye, things were much brighter!

Now to get on with that sewing...Or shall I just sit and read? There must be a book title in here somewhere!


  1. Holy cow! that is one mean looking sky!

    Very many congrats on selling one of the smocked dresses!

    1. Yes, it was one mean looking sky!

      Thank you for the comment on the sale. I must say, I was pleased!


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