Art and all that stuff

Thursday 7 February 2013

Fierce Creatures!

Its a tough life being a Goldfinch...

This morning's battles over who gets a place on the feeder.

I think most of them are female!!! I will say no more other than to apologise for the length of the post but I wanted to include the fantastic aerobatics of these Fierce Creatures...


  1. Some great action shots! the new camera is getting a workout.

    1. I'm planning a "how it was done" post for tonight! Watch this space...

  2. Our gold Finches are just the same. They are always fighting over the food. Occasionally the Green finch takes over though! Great photos. Diane

    1. We knew they were fierce fighters but until we examined the photos we hadn't realised how much body/beak contact was taking place!

  3. Marvellous photos - not too long at all !!

    1. Thanks Jean. Colin could happily have spent all day with the camera but the tiling in the shower room beckoned....

  4. I want to cut them up,put them together and flip them for the movie...great pics..(new camera? - what did you do with your'old'one?)

  5. My, but it looks brutal out there! Just got here after reading how the pictures were set up. The results of Colin's contortions are fabulous!

  6. Wonderful shots. Well done!

  7. There is actually no visible difference between the sexes...
    unless you are basing the fighting behaviour on the sex?!

    Normally it is the males finches that fight like stink... the females watch with wonder, amazement and surprise at the male stupidity... then go and eat elsewhere!

    1. When we have looked it up in the past it has said that the males have more red further back behind the eye. I was basing it on that, probably incorrectly... Whatever sex they are they are great fun to watch. Unfortunately we have now run out of Niger seeds so the number of Goldfinches has drastically reduced... Fussy eaters too.

    2. Collins and the BWP don't mention the extra red... what were your sources. I'd like to read them as there is no exact bird books and it is all on observation... there just aren't enough retired / underworked vicars these days to keep the records going...
      also try the LPO shop for Niger Seed... and fill a feeder with just black sunflower seed... they'll empty that in no time too... got to go and fill ours before dark!!
      Keep well

    3. And I have neglected to mention....

      Great Pix

  8. Hi Tim the sources was basically an internet search. This is an example There are several others. But now looking at the pics again I am not sure!!!


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