Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 6 February 2013

HOW much rain???

Tim's blog post yesterday gave figures for this year's rainfall in the Aigronne Valley: 32.67cm (nearly 13 inches) in 2013 so far...

This was the scene on the approach into Chinon today, located here on the map..

We have never seen the Vienne as high. These photos were taken from the Quai Charles VII, Chinon ....

At Riviere the barrier across the road isn't much use....

And this was just one of the trees being washed down river on the swell...

Please can we have some dry weather? or by this time next week we'll be canoeing into Chinon!


  1. I have never seen so much water around. It seems like it is never going to stop! Keep dry Diane

  2. Hi Colin & Elizabeth. I've been away from blog land for a while and just catching up now. I hope that things dry up for you soon. At least you know that spring comes early in your part of the word!


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