Art and all that stuff

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Small shower room update 2...

With all the wet weather we have been having it has been an opportunity to get on with the small shower room. Things are progressing well and since our last post the new shower tray has been installed and cemented in position and the small floor area re-tiled.

One of the main reasons for the upgrading was that the existing shower walls had not been tanked (waterproofed) and damp patches appeared in the adjacent bedroom and toilet.  It was now time for the waterproofing!!!

We had seen the waterproofing kits in Leroy Merlin but were not sure they would be suitable to cover existing tiles. "No problem" said the very helpful chaps, "just wash the old tiles down apply the primer and then two coats of sealer"...

Whoever thought of the colour!!! Can you see where I've been?  It is great stuff to use and both the primer and the top coat leave a gritty coating. The top coat has the consistency of pancake batter and can be applied with brush or roller. I used a 3" brush. 

It was a productive trip to Leroy Merlin. As well as buying the waterproofing we also noticed the shower door assembly we wanted was on offer (-15%) in the soldes, so that was ordered. On our way back we called at Brico Depot and bought the tiles.

No excuse now then Colin...

I don't mind tiling at all; you can see the progress of your work and the end result is always so much better. What I don't like is cutting, especially holes...

This will probably be the worst cut of the job... where the shower valve fits.
Fortunately I had measured it correctly.

Overall the tiling looks OK but its like every job you do... You know all the little errors and there are one or two!! Grout will make them invisible ( I hope!!!)

This is the point where I stopped work this afternoon.

Trouble is, I still have + 6 m² of tiles still to put on and many of those will involve cutting!!!


  1. Colin has been a busy lad!

    I like the idea of tiling over tiles. I can see the advantage but are there any disadvantages?

  2. Look, there's no hurry withn the tiling... just soap up and stand outside!! The ones not "showering" can make them hot cocoa to avoid hypothermia.... 8o)

  3. It looks like you're doing a great job so far but I know what you mean about the little mistakes.
    I have a theory that most visitors walk into a room and say "wow" - they don't look at the joins - only you know where they are !!

  4. Jean's right. You are the only person who will look at it from a distance of 2 inches. Everyone else will look at it as a whole and not pick up the small glitches that glare at you.

  5. I agree with Jean and Susan... but how to convince yourself that they aren't just being polite!! That's where the problem lies...

  6. Thanks I will soon forget the errors I always do, it was worse still when I was wallpapering but after awhile you just forget until next time. Gaynor the only disadvantage is your room gets smaller!! It also leaves a bigger tile edge by doors and windows. YOU MUST either prime the tiles with Pva or scratch them.

  7. Looks like the usual quality job to us Colin.


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