Art and all that stuff

Sunday 10 February 2013


Guess what? It has rained non stop all day today and at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon it became very windy and our car alarm went off twice... As I was tiling, Elizabeth went to investigate thinking it was the gusts of wind moving the car. I suggested an animal/bird may have got inside, but could not think how. The solution was a simple one... Some idiot (Me) had left the drivers side window open from yesterday morning when we stopped to talk to our neighbour... So we now have a very wet drivers seat!

The constant rain did not deter the many birds on and around our feeders once I had replenished them this morning. One poor soul had however given up....

Our friend the Green Woodpecker positioned itself under a branch of our willow.

Given the state of our garden it is not at all surprising.

It would be a case of "Water with your ants, Sir?"

It poses the question - what do the ants do when the ground is so very waterlogged? We know what our moles have done... Our hill is full of mole hills so they have obviously taken to the high ground.


  1. The ants will probably move into buildings (not necessarily inside, but into cavities in walls and such like). They might move up into trees too. Of course they will be struggling, but assuming they've moved to somewhere safe they will just sit it out, more or less hibernating.

    Tim pointed out to me yesterday that the mole hills might not all be moles at the moment. Some might be the bigger voles Arvicola spp.

  2. It's nice that you now have your own "lake" on your property. Water front property is always worth more :)

    1. The way it rained yesterday we are going to need a boat to get about. It was like Scotland only worse!!! We will be getting midges next!

  3. Rain? Scotland? it's not often you see those two words in the same sentence. Jim's done the window thing a few times - it dries out eventually!


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