Art and all that stuff

Saturday 16 February 2013

How many Tits?

Can you get on one fat ball feeder?

Is it two?

or three?

or four?

The actual number we have seen on at any one time is five. Didn't manage a picture though!!


  1. We have had five tits on our fat balls, plus fourteen pheasants on the ground catching the bits that fall off !!
    If only Nick were a better shot with his air rifle we'd have free roast pheasant for dinner every weekend. As it is, I'm sure we're feeding them up for someone else......

  2. I count six in that last picture...
    including the one on the down-wire!
    And a sneaky one waiting in the wings, I see!!
    We've managed six siskins...
    [now say that six times quickly...
    but blame the errors on the wine!]...
    but they don't seem quite as territorial as the tits...
    or the goldfinx for that matter...
    four mixed tits at one time...
    and an absolute max of three goldunz!!
    And our feeder is about the same size...
    but without the lid...
    which allows the Robin a go, too!
    He stands on the top fatball...
    and ignores the tits!

  3. It amazes me how many manage to get on a fat ball or a feeder. They do not seem to fight amongst the tits but it is carnage when a goldfinch or greenfinch comes along! Have a good day Diane


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