Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Château du Rivau - Stone Carvings

When we visited the Château du Rivau at the end of August I photographed a couple of the many stone carvings around the top of  the château.

The first one I can understand: a grumpy old man with a bunch of grapes. The carver could not have made him look more grumpy... although he has been through a lot in recent years.

The second is a mermaid. Why a mermaid? If there is an explanation please let me know on the comments. I am not sure whether there is some text under her left arm. At least she looks happier than the chap above....
The other surprising thing about these and the other carvings is that they survived at all. The Château had a major fire on Sunday 11th July 2010 and  it devastated the whole of the roof area where these are located. If you enlarge the photo below you can see some of the detail in the smaller photographs on the information board.

The restoration has been both rapid and well done and a credit to the Château owners.. As I said last time it is well worth a visit...


Diane said...

I am amazed that the restoration was so quick and thank goodness that the carvings did survive. The mermaid hmmmmmmm. Diane

Susan said...

They both have some text, but I don't know what it says.

GaynorB said...

We thought the restoration was amazing too, especially considering the time scale.We also liked the 'display' (I am searching, albeit unsuccessfully, for the right word to describe it)they had constructed of damaged pieces of the building.