Art and all that stuff

Thursday 19 July 2012

Making a Complete Spectacle of Myself..

I'll be completely honest here....

I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box when it comes to remembering where I've put things, but this last couple of weeks I've excelled even my wildest expectations of forgetfulness.

Having enjoyed a lovely evening at Barrou the other Saturday, I then lost my spectacles. Now that wouldn't be too bad if they were a throw-away pair, but these were a new pair of varifocals... need I say more?

Convinced that I'd lost them at Barrou I enlisted the help of Pauline to go and ask at the Mairie on the following day to see if they had been handed in.

However, we then decided it was worth a drive over to Barrou to search the area of grass where we had been sitting during the concert. A two hour round trip later and I was still spec less!

Ten minutes back chez nous and the mystery was solved! They were in the case where they should have been.... which is actually where they were the first time I lost them some time ago.

Now DON'T ask me why I hadn't looked there in the first place.... I didn't have any specs on to look for my specs with, if you get my drift. And anyway, that would have been too logical to even consider.

So problem solved.. But not quite!

Somewhere out there is a pair of prescription sunspecs which I believe I may have left in the hire car I had on my recent visit to the UK.

I am at present in negotiations with Hertz car hire lost property division, who have contacted me to say "an item" has been found in my hire car.

To progress things any further I have to describe "the item".

How on earth do you describe a pair of sunspecs which you've only owned for a month and not had cause to wear during that period (for obvious reasons!)

Consequently my description is hazy and for security reasons Hertz can give me no help on the matter...

The sad thing is, perhaps it isn't my specs they've found; perhaps I've left something else in the car!
Maybe I've lost more than just two pairs of specs.....

Oh, perish the thought! 

ps. In case you're wondering....
The model of specs outstanding is now defunct so there are no pictures online to help me here!


  1. It's all downhill (or should it be uphill?) from 50!

    1. And I don't think my gears are all they should be, Gaynor!!

  2. I am delighted to hear that I am not the only one who does this sort of thing :) Diane

  3. losing anything drives me around the bend it is not often and usually I shall try to retrace my steps, well lost my cell phone 2 weeks ago, retracing or not it is gone, and as I didnt leave it on could not try to call it from another phone, had to break down and get a new one, well after 10 years I did get a better one... but I still think it is somewhere just out of reach but not quite..

    Annie v.

    1. Annie, they should come fitted with a homing device!

  4. This story is so familiar -- unfortunately, I'm so forgetful, I can't remember why... ;-)


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