Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Birthdays in Braye

My daughter's birthday is the day before mine, and this year we were able to share it in Braye..
Whilst we were out Colin decorated the house with bunting...

Jean had offered to bake the cake.....And what a fabulous cake it was!

As well as Jean, Nick and Lulu, our French neighbours, Nathalie and Jean-Noel, and other neighbours Monique and Janeck joined us, along with their six year old granddaughter, who kept us entertained with her boundless energy...

The cutting of the cake was eagerly anticipated....

Then it was a case of going....


GONE!! Sorry Lulu there is none left! 

So poor Lulu had to seek consolation from mum, Jean! 

At least she cheered up in time for the group photo!

Thank you to all my friends for their good wishes and gifts and for coming along to share the day with us.  But a particular thanks to Jean, because without her the party would not have been anything like so.... Pink!!

Thank you, Jean!! xx


  1. Jean's such a sweetie isn't she :-)

    1. Susan, any excuse to bake a cake and I'm there.... !!

  2. Happy birthday. It's clear that you were 'in the pink'!

    I think I'll invite Jean to my birthday as i like pink cake.

    1. Thanks, Gaynor! I can recommend Jean's pink cake to anyone!!

    2. Gaynor, see reply above !!


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