Art and all that stuff

Friday 1 July 2011

We posted a blog back in March comparing a "hill" in our garden to Pendle, the hill overlooking Colin's home town of Clitheroe. We had high hopes back then of covering our mini Pendle with flowers but in the style of British Rail, we bought the wrong seeds....

Nothing daunted the seeds were planted and in due course we were disappointed... Until this week, when I noticed little spots of colour on the hill.

On closer inspection these were the flowers we had so eagerly anticipated. But unlike their counterparts on an area of better soil close to the house, these are flowers in miniature.

For comparison, here are some photos of their nurtured counterparts...


Despite the glaringly obvious advantages of the more colourful and showy blooms I can't help but admire the resilience of the hill flowers... They haven't had the nurturing of those closer to the house and soil conditions are unfavourable but still they appear and delight. That's got to be worth applauding!


  1. Beautiful colours - like little jewels in the grass.

  2. I would hop that they will reward you year after year and probably get used to their hillside location and do better. That's the plan anyway!


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