Sunday 17 May 2015

Return of the Taupes (Moles in English)

My deadly enemy has returned...

Probably as the sonic mole repeller from Lidl, broke down last year and was returned for a full refund. We have never seen another on sale since,,,

So it was back to trapping... one trap only,,, Day one; trap sprung but the mole escaped...

Day two; it was not as lucky

I usually feed them to the Buzzard but this time around it was buried where it died as a reminder to it's buddies,,, Keep off here...

As the sonic reppeller did appear to do its job I have ordered a replacement from Amazon which will be delivered Wednesday.  My next door neighbour Antony has several in his garden... WHICH IS PROBABLY WHY I HAVE GOT THE DAM THINGS BACK!!!

Watch this space,,,


Jean said...

Daisy caught a mole the other week.....they're cute little creatures, aren't they?!

GaynorB said...

We bought a solar powered sonic one for the UK which works. I think we really need 4 for LPP but could only get one so will perhaps look at Amazon.