Art and all that stuff

Thursday 24 October 2013

Off Piste (or was it just Pi**ed)!

The problem of mowing the lawn when it is covered in leaves is that when you come to empty the grass box you can't see the 'hole' for the leaves...

This isn't the first time we've been stuck like this, so Colin knew exactly what to get...

The trusty winch was fixed to the autoportee and one of our beloved (!) poplars.....

and the winching began..

A few pulls of the winch later and the autoportee was out of the hole and back in service - which is just as well, because unless we can use it to pick up all those leaves, we'll have the same problem again!


  1. Just a suggestion...
    how about mowing along the edge of "T'Hole" before you start dumping...
    then even if it is a wiggly line as a result of the rosé...
    you should be able to see the edge when you reverse up to it.

    Or dump them at t'edge of "T'Hole" and let Colin fork them in!!

  2. Yes Tim Elizabeth already does that!!

  3. Then it was the Rosé...
    I noticed that ours is well equipped for that...
    there's a nice goblet holding depression just beside the seat...


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