Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 23 October 2013

A new tool for the collection...

Given that I broke the old axe attempting to split some of our own logs it was time we had something different. Having looked at the various options we decided on a splitting axe. 

They come in various weights, the largest I could hardly lift let alone swing! So at the end of the day we chose a fairly lightweight one at 2.7kgs on the basis that Elizabeth could also use it!!!!!

Today was its first test on a nice piece of willow.
 As I suspected not heavy enough to spilt a large log it on its own.
But with the help of the sledge hammer
No problem!
 Smaller sections were no problem either.

So if you need your logs splitting...

Find somebody else, I have enough to do. Besides we are awaiting a delivery of our usual trailer load of ready split ones. All which will need stacking!


  1. Colin, I always knew wood work was one of your favourite pastimes !!

  2. Colin...
    you need a grenade!!

    [ ]

    I've got one...
    works a treat...
    provided you whack it hard enough!!!

    NB: When I looked for the link, Screwfix let me know that they now deliver to the EU...
    very useful!!


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