Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Reflections of 2012

Fête de la Moto Luzé 8th July 2012. 

When we go to events that have old cars and motorcycles there are inevitably tractors...

Over time our goal at these events is to find a tractor that is older than Colin... believe me it is not an easy task.

This one at Luzé came close, being the same age.

Sad really isn't it!


Tim said...

The big question is... which has the greater pulling power?!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Now now, Tim...... Do you really expect me to answer that one?

OK then - I'd put my money on Colin any day!x

Colin and Elizabeth said...

After all he's not called Young for nothing!!

Jean said...

I was going to ask which does the most rattling, shaking and wandering all over the road - but thought better of it !!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

A very wise decision, Jean. There are some things it's better just not knowing!!