Art and all that stuff

Thursday 31 July 2014


These three were happy to share...
and these two
and these two

He/She wasn't

We love our butterfly surveys...

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Hi big fellow...

This afternoon we did our July butterfly survey. A bit late we know but with guests and all...

On our fifth transect we came across this handsome fellow plodding on the pathway...

He stopped when he saw the camera,  "Get my good side"

 "Enough posing,  I'm off"

Don't know what make he is or even if it is a he... He just looked too big and butch to be female...

This Saturday is the Marche Medieval at Chinon which is usually a very good  free day out... Link here...

Tuesday 29 July 2014

CT Exempt ??

We have seen this car before in Richelieu, usually at any fete that is on...  I think it is a Citroen, it could be a 1930 Citroen AC6 Cabriolet BUT it has always been parked up as below...

What a surprise we got when it came roaring through the square with several passengers...

It did not sound too healthy but it was definitely going at a fair speed...

It is not being renovated as its condition has not changed for several years...

This picture was taken a year ago in the park...

What we want to know is has it passed a CT, is it exempt or does that not matter???!!!

Monday 28 July 2014

A Day of Many Parts

Lots happened yesterday:

It was Braye's Fete du Bois de Temple, beginning with a brocante in the morning and ending with fireworks and a ball in the evening..

We had friends, Paul and Mary, round for coffee in the morning, before going to look at the stalls, most set out (fortunately) under the shade of the trees. The usual stuff... the sentimental painting; the broken guitar; the rusty tools etc...

I was tempted to buy Colin this mower for the garden

But I think a couple of pairs of these shoes would have been more practical, used as a lawn aerator!

Then it was off to Susan and Simon's celebration of their Graineterie's 800th birthday where we met up with old friends and new.

What do you give a Graineterie for its 800th? We came up with this:

An hour's drive home through the countryside with raining impending and a stop to put up the roof of the 2CV, and we were back just as the first of the fireworks went off from the field across from the house...

A real mixed bag of a day; but most enjoyable!

Saturday 26 July 2014


Yesterday on our way back from Limoges Airport where a storm was brewing, Elizabeth photographed these strange cloud formations.

We had had blue skies all the way down but as we approached the airport the skies darkened and we heard distant thunder. My son Stephen was not impressed!!

As we returned home after some lunch these impressive clouds started to follow us... We outran them though and were soon back into the blue.

Stephen did get back to Liverpool OK only to get stuck in traffic on the Friday afternoon car park that is the M6. His Facebook posting was unprintable!!!

Friday 25 July 2014

What Do you give the Man Who has Everything?

Well, Jim, we thought long and hard (very hard!) about what we could get you for your 60th and this is what we've come up with:

We just need to meet up for a fitting and I'm sure Gaynor and Jean would be happy to help!

(Wonderful night, by the way. Many thanks to you and especially to Pauline for all the hard work you put in.)

Thursday 24 July 2014

Birthday Bash

As part of Elizabeth's birthday, her daughter Jane bought her a secret present...

Go on Elizabeth... Hit it!

What a success. The things people do for a few sweeties!!

My problem is that I am marrying this woman in less than two months... I better behave myself then...

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Walking the Dog.....

Could this be the latest trend in dog walking .. the 'Doggy Pram'

Or for the man about town, a variation on the man bag.... 'Dog in a Pocket'

Whatever happened to four legs and a lead??

Monday 21 July 2014

A reet good do...

Can only describe day two of the Festival Cape et Epée. Despite a little rain people came from far and wide to enjoy a full day of varied entertainment; the normally quiet town of Richelieu was packed.

Elizabeth showed off her dancing skills

The musicians sounded great
 And the procession...

The Cardinal blessed the crowds

The costumes were fantastic

Even with a bit of technology thrown in!!

The event was brought to a close with FIRE...

and as usual a grand firework display.

If you missed it... You will have to wait two years for the next one!!!

Saturday 19 July 2014

All the Fun of the Festival!

This afternoon saw the start of the Festival Cape et Epée, held in Richelieu every two years.

And what a fun filled afternoon it was! So here are a few photos to give a little of the flavour of the event...

Can't wait to get back there for tonight's events and then for the big day, tomorrow!!