Art and all that stuff

Sunday 16 February 2014

Winter flocks of Lapwings...

seen over the Chinon vineyards at the beginning of the month.

We also noticed a flock adjacent to Tim and Pauline's in mid January (Can't find the picy though)

I have some childhood memories of these birds, as with my late father (an ex gamekeeper) we would look for nests. I interestingly remember that the slightly pointed eggs were arranged in the nest with the points to the middle...

There does appear to be larger numbers around this year... Or are we just noticing them more. Interestingly the RSPB website lists one of the highest known winter concentration areas in the UK as the Somerset Levels...

It would be fascinating to know, when the levels flooded, the birds would obviously have to move, BUT how far would they move?

Answers on a postcard...


  1. We've been having flocks of up to 300 lapwings. They seem to fly by committee, with sudden lurches in a new direction, or going over the same ground again and again... P.

  2. As hard as I look, I can't see any Golden Plover with these...
    we are the same here...
    there were Goldies with the flocks before Christmas, but they don't seem to be with them now!
    I wonderz where they've gorn!?


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