Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Cherry Pie No 2

You could say I am an infrequent baker... I last used REAL pastry to make a cherry pie in January 2012... Last week whilst the 'gluten free' Elizabeth was in the UK I was going to make another but didn't quite get around to it...

But yesterday...

With a freezer full of ready stewed cherries and the ready made pastry in the fridge it was Colin the pastry chef into action!

A slightly different approach to the last one in that we now own a suitable pie tin AND some blind baking balls... The tin was lined with the pastry and blind baked.

As the cherries were a bit watery when thawed out, on the advice from the expert, I added three teaspoons of arrowroot and brought them to the boil in order to thicken them...

These were then cooled and added to the pastry case.

 NOW promise not to laugh... There was insufficient pastry left for a full top so.......
The finished pie

had Elizabeth drooling... It tasted delicious AND its ALL MINE!!!


  1. Just add La Borde's "triple" cream....
    Or for the "new" Colin...
    some créme fraiche....
    Job looks a goodun Colin...
    but you must have saved some of the cherries for Elizabeth... oui!?

  2. The lattice top makes it lower calorie as well as delicious. Bravo!

  3. Gaynor, I have to admit that not only did it smell delicious whilst baking but it looked delicious too. Fortunately for Colin, I'm not keen on cooked cherries!

  4. Gaynor... nice thought on the "lower-calorie" lattice top!
    I must remember that... next time I make a cornflake syrup tart!!
    I still haven't persuaded Pauline to make the 57 flapjacks... I even told her a dozen would do!!


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