Art and all that stuff

Thursday 12 September 2013

Spot the Difference..and An Update

She's been at it again! Our smallest hen has once again laid a very large egg...

Spot the difference!

She excelled her previous best (95g). When this one went on the scales it weighed in at 100g

I cracked open the egg at lunchtime and it was another double yolker, but look at the size of the yolks!

We're the proud owners of a very clever hen!

An update on the wasp sting!

Last night I had an appointment with the doctor as my foot was just getting worse and the inflammation and swelling was starting to spread up my leg..

Again, spot the difference..

I was given a prescription for two boxes of anti-biotics, which, at 1,52euro a tablet should do the trick in a few days. Not only were they expensive, they are also huge!

Now I'm not sure whether the doctor is treating me or a horse!! Either way I hope the healing "kicks" in soon.


  1. If the onctose didn't work, stop using it. Some people are allergic to something in it (not the active ingredient, but some preservative I think). Simon can't use it, but I find it excellent. Hopefully the horse tablets will do the trick.

  2. Could we have a picture of the little Warren and her next huge egg together...

    Hope your poor huge foot allows you to make Patrimone visits this w/e.


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