Art and all that stuff

Thursday 22 August 2013

Summer Time and the Weather is Easy....

In temperatures of 34C this afternoon, Colin donned his boiler suit and made a start on strimming *'les mauvaises herbes' growing between the poplars.

Needless to say, despite a valiant attempt otherwise, the heat won and he had to concede defeat.

But when one door closes.... a Jersey Tiger enters, asking to be photographed..

And so we sat and watched the Jersey Tiger and many other interesting creatures at work on the flowers. 

Now surely this is a much better way to spend a hot summer's afternoon?? And isn't this exactly the sort of thing we came to France for?

*('mauvaises herbes' sounds so much more menacing than 'weeds')


  1. Oh well done for getting it showing its underside and everything!

  2. You did the right thing to take some time to relax and enjoy your beautiful garden. The strimming can be done when the weather 'improves' or is more conducent to physical work.

    The mauvais herbes will still be there waiting for you!

  3. I thought that the photo I took last week of a Jersey Moth was good but yours shows much more than mine did. Well done. Have a good weekend, Diane


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